Soda Bread

We’ll do anything to avoid doing the boring stuff if we can. That is how this wonderful loaf and meal came about. Inspired by a bit of saturday morning tv, Rick Stein and a cheeky chappie in Ireland.

  • 450 g Strong white flour
  • 300 ml buttermilk
  • level Tsp baking soda
  • level Tsp salt

Oven heated to 200 deg C mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Bind together with a few spoons of tepid water and shape the soft dough into a round. Put onto an oiled tray and slice a deep cross through the dough. Dust generously with flour and bake in the middle of the oven for 30 mins.

After 30 mins turn the loaf upside down and put back for another 5-10 mins. Looking for that hollow knock when you knuckle the base.

Serve with spicy tomato and vegetable prawns. Nom nom…

As if that wasn’t enough I made a bread and butter pudding to finish everyone off. Carbs a go go.