Fresh Pizza

I am pleased to say that fresh pizza is a regular feature in our kitchen as I am a pizza addict. I hope to build my own outdoor wood fired oven for pizzas, bread and other delicious treats. I have been making pizza for over 20 years and therefore play around with the dough, sauce and topping preparation depending on desired outcome.

Smooth as silk

All I will say is that using a bread flour is always better although I have used plain or all purpose flour before without complaint. This will make 4-5 large thin pizza bases.

  • Flour – 1kg
  • warm water – 1 pint
  • salt – 2 tsp
  • sugar – 4 tsp
  • dried yeast – 3 tsp
  • oil

Dissolve sugar in water and add yeast and mix well (you can use fresh yeast also). Pour into flour and salt an knead for 10 mins. I have used a large bowl, the kitchen counter as well as a Kitchenaid mixer. Whatever equipment you have just work the dough until it is smooth and silky. Too wet- add flour; too dry – add warm water. Cover in a bowl and prove for 1 hour in a warm place; I sometimes drizzle with oil at this stage. Portion out and shape into smooth mounds then roll / stretch to fit your pan.

Panned dough

Ready to roll

Then you are free to unleash your inner topping demons. I am an anchovy, olive and chilli (flakes/jalapeño/habanero) nut but I guess not everyone shares my passion for such strong flavours.

Topped and ready

Sauced & Cheesed

Garden salad and some coleslaw made sure these bad boys slipped down nicely. I do love a good pizza. As I said there is scope for you to mess around and tweak the dough recipe. I have added varying amounts of oil, milk, garlic, rosemary etc to the dough before proving. What would you add or change? I would change the oven….. soon come.

Anchovy overload